
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ready to Go!

The level one and two of the Master Weaver classes being held in Prince George, BC are now ready for registration on the Olds College website

It looks like interested students will have to create an 'account' before they can register.

Although the course description is not on the website, it differs only in that a) the class runs in Prince George for six days, not five, and b) the maximum is 10 not 12.

Questions?  Email me laura at laurafry dot com

Currently reading Red Bones by Anne Cleeves.  One of the characters is a fibre artist.  :)


  1. I keep looking for a good weaving class in my area but none thus far that I can find. I love Ann Cleeves' books ! I believe I've read all the books she's had published sofar and have pre-ordered her new book coming out next month.
