
Friday, May 5, 2017

Stocking Up

This is warp #8 in the series of towel warps I've been winding.  

I'm struggling to finish the warp on the AVL - but need to get it off soon so I can weave other things. 

I'm struggling to use up stash.  But that means buying more yarn to use up the yarn that is only suitable for weft.

I'm struggling to regain my energy, facing a non-stop teaching schedule in June.

I'm struggling with emotions that well up and overflow as I deal with the last thing needed for mom - her interment on May 13.

But I'm also looking forward.

To teaching students who are as intrigued with all the minutia of how threads can be woven together.  Looking forward to seeing my stash actually reduce.  Looking forward to seeing friends who I only get to see once a year - at best.  

Even, no kidding, getting the manuscript back from the beta reader and getting back to editing.

The Intentional Weaver is not going to be the 'only book you'll ever need'.  That is not my intent, nor do I believe that any one book can cover all the 'it depends' aspects of the craft.  But I do believe that I can help people refine their techniques and add to their foundation of knowledge.  

Not that the information can't be found, but perhaps it cannot be found easily.  So I'm hoping to put some of that information in my document.  And that ultimately people will find that it helps. 

Bottom line?  I want to help reduce the frustrations that people find in the craft because they maybe haven't had an in-person teacher to show them the little things that make the craft easier.  That they maybe haven't found the information that they don't even know they need.  

To help make the craft joyful instead of annoying.  

Because it's all good.  Every bit of it.

Almost finished Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs, about to start The Right to be Cold by Sheila Watt-Cloutier


  1. You are a constant inspiration, and inspirational teacher and mentor, Laura. Thank you for being you. And being there.

  2. Thanks Peg. The past year has been challenging with more to come. I'm working on a five year plan in which I hope to accomplish a few things and start down sizing. I have a bucket list and hopefully I can accomplish some of the things on it. But none of us knows when our 'end of times' will be. So I try to find the rainbow in the sky, the silver in the clouds. :)
