
Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Things We Do For Love

I am still in the collecting phase of packing.  There are a few more items that need to go into the pile, partly because they are studio items that I am using, still, while frantically weaving as much as I can before I leave.

This trip involves flying from one small remote airport to another small remote airport.  Flights are limited and when I went to book my tickets, there was exactly one option - the red eye.

So exactly 7 days from today I leave here on the 9:30 pm flight to Vancouver, then the 0 dark hundred and a half (12:25 am) flight from Vancouver to Toronto, then finally make it to Sydney, NS at 12:25 pm.  Which means I will have been up for about 24 hours - because I don't sleep sitting up - in a car, train or plane.  Which makes trips like this...challenging.  Even more so that there is a long 'commute' from Sydney to St. Ann's so I can't even fall into bed right away.

Coming home my body clock will have reset itself to NS time which means I will be arriving home at around 4 am Sydney time, whereupon I hope to be able to fall directly into bed (do not pass "go", do not collect $200) and sleep like, well, like I've been up way too long.

There are now 10 in the Cape Breton class, with room for two more.  I'm assuming that Olds still has 9, although that was a couple of weeks ago and more may have signed up since then.  I am preparing for 12 for both, just in case.  Because neither St. Ann's, nor Olds, is very big and specific supplies may be difficult (if not impossible) to obtain.

I have been thinking a lot about both classes and hope that a few tweaks I have made to the way I present the material will be helpful.  

It is imperative (imho) that we keep a certain level of knowledgeable practitioners around to write, teach, demonstrate, encourage new weavers.  It's all well and good to say that you can find anything you want on the internet - but when you don't know what you don't know, you don't know that you don't know it.

So, by teaching these classes, flying via a red eye (yuk), or driving for 9 hours with a van loaded with as many teaching materials I can cram into my van, I am hoping that once I and others like me are gone, our knowledge will live on.

Currently reading Wool by Hugh Howey - which has very little to do with wool per se but makes a great metaphor for a modern day 'fairy tale' (science fiction novel).

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