
Monday, June 26, 2017

Road Tripping

Tomorrow I will repack my bins and cases and get ready for the ANWG Conference taking place in Victoria, BC.  Mary and I leave Wednesday morning.

We will mosey southwards, taking a more scenic route through the interior of the province, along the Sea to Sky Highway and stay overnight in Squamish, then try for a fairly early-ish ferry from Horseshoe Bay over to Nanaimo, driving south to Victoria.  I have to be at the ANWG Board meeting on Thursday evening and connect with the rest of my guild's members to deliver things for the guild booth.

Friday morning Mary wants to see Butchart Gardens, so perhaps we'll get there for a couple of hours.  Only time will tell.  There will also be shopping and exhibits to see.

The trip is a bit fraught because I am (again) wearing too many hats.  Hostess.  Chauffeur.  Conference host (for 2019) with meetings to attend, both Board and General.  And of course, two seminars to teach.

In addition there is the guild booth advertising our upcoming conference and the Olds College info booth, both of which need warm bodies to woman.

On Monday we will head to Richmond and have a lazy day because Mary leaves on a very early flight which means at least a 4 am wake up call, perhaps earlier depending on when her shuttle for the airport leaves.  I will start heading east and north once she is on the shuttle, hoping to miss the worst of the Vancouver area morning rush hour, wending my way home.

Once here there are several pressing things that need doing including finish the four more tea towel warps, the rest of the warp for our conference, various maintenance things like dental surgery and hope that my broken tooth can get fixed before we leave for Europe.

I also have the flash drive with the latest edit of The Book, my mom's 'memoirs' to deal with, design and weave off a table runner warp and hopefully a shawl warp.  I've been ignoring the bin of rayon chenille scarves I wove when?  December?  January?  They still need fringe twisting plus the towels that Doug will wet finish/press will need hemming and their final press, tagging/pricing.

But I need some down time, too, so after the surgery on the 14th, I'm planning on taking about 3 days to do quiet stuff - like the fringe twisting, hemming and maybe, just maybe build a jigsaw puzzle - or two!


  1. Yes, do try to take it easy at some point in this incredibly busy summer of yours! At least in small intervals, if not good long naps. I hope ANWG is a wonderful conference - wish I could be there.

  2. Well, perhaps you'll come north in 2019? :D

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