
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Day 'Off'

I have been working hard for a few weeks now, weaving pretty much every day, at least two sessions, three if I can.  

Today I gave myself a day 'off'.  

The picture shows some of my hand spun, most of it spun this summer in the evenings at the guild, then plyed.  I use it for knitting.  Spinning and knitting are my hobbies.  I don't sell either - rather I make scarves and shawls and donate them to causes that are raising money.  Or they get given as gifts.  My poor southern friends, freezing in the chilliness that is Alberta in June each got one.

Right now my spinning stash overflows into my dining room and I want to put it all away while I am busy in the autumn and will have very little time to actually do any spinning.  So today I dug into the plying, finishing the blue I'd begun yesterday, plus doing five spools of a rich red.  I have five more spools of a slightly different singles red to ply and I think I will use the same extremely fine tram silk to ply that as well as the one in the photo above, which is actually more red and less rust.  I doubt I will get the bin of rust rolags spun up before I go away, but I might.

Mostly I'm tired of looking at that heap of spinning fibre and just want to clear some of the clutter out of my living space.  So the bags of fibre will go back down to the studio until I'm ready to make more rolags and begin spinning again.  Hopefully when I get my Questionable Origins e-spinner.  

Currently reading L. E. Modesitt, The One-Eyed Man.  I've not read him before and am only in the first few pages, so I will see if I go looking for one of his series.  Because I'm running 'low' on fav authors!


  1. Debra in Aleza LakeAugust 22, 2017 at 8:03 PM

    Running 'low ' on favorite authors seems to be my dilemma as well. I seem to have a hardtime finding storylines 'worth ' reading lately.

  2. (as an aside, some of my current fav authors - Robert Galbraith, Robert Harris) - I do appreciate reading on this blog about what you're reading. It's nice to get little personal recommendation of new authors to try.

  3. The yarn is beautiful.

    I don't know if our reading tastes are similar, but I've like audiobooks by Tracy Chevalier, Sara Gruen, and Alice Hoffman, and LOVED Sonia Sotormayor's autobiography, read by Rita Moreno.
