
Monday, October 16, 2017

Asking Why

Sometimes I do things just because I want to know what happens if I do this?  Or if I change this, how will it affect that?

Over the past while I have been working with a spinner and looking at things like twist energy.  Today we wet finished the three scarves I wove with handspun singles.  And the corners of this scarf curled.  We have had a good chin wag about how the yarns were the same and how they are different. We have come to a conclusion.  We are pretty confident in why it happened but more experimentation will be required to prove or disprove our evaluation.  In the meantime, it was an interesting exercise.  Proving once again that you never stop learning if you just keep asking "what if?"


  1. Does the diagonally opposite corner curl the same way? Does the straight-across corner curl the other way (i.e., under instead of up)? There's a rug-weaver meme that says if you don't want the corners to curl, assuming the warp ends are spun S, a few selvedge ends on both sides have to be spun Z, and that tames the curl. I believe it might have been a Judith MacKenzie solution to the problem...

  2. BTW, love the textured look of the scarf!

  3. I think so. I'm pretty sure it has to do with twist energy in the yarn. :)
