
Monday, January 1, 2018


Day one of a new calendar year. The cycle repeats.  

I am already well into production for the new year.  As soon as I got home from Vancouver I started winding warps for place mats. And weaving them.  And winding more.  These are currently in the queue for weaving, while some have already been wet finished and hemmed, more are ready for the water.  

In between a couple of special commissions took some time. 

And of course, the holiday season, although with just the two of us, we never do very much.  Just another potential work day. 

The other thing I have been dealing with is crushing fatigue due to a return of the lymphoma.  After talking to the oncologist and weighing options I will try one of the new targeted drugs.  Knowing someone who is already taking it has given me hope that this blip in my health will be a minor inconvenience, not a major upheaval.  

I have a few deadlines in January, a trip to meet with a book editor and then in February I will focus on my health again, with lab work, consultations, and hopefully approval to start the new drug. 

We live in amazing times with new cancer treatments coming along to help people live their lives.  To make (some) cancer a blip.  Thank you to the researchers, doctors and drug companies working on this puzzling, challenging disease.  


  1. Life. It does things to ya sometimes, eh? Like I was all “not me” and didn’t get the shingles vaccine. Guess what I got for Christmas? Big hugs and hope things go better for you soon!

  2. Oh dear, sorry to hear about the shingles. I've had them twice (in my 40's) so I got the shingles vax as soon as the oncologist said it was a good idea. Hope you are feeling better soon...

  3. Glad to hear there is a new treatment. Sending hugs for a good result.

  4. Hoping the new meds make the return of your lymphoma a minor blip in your life! You can't stop weaving, or sharing your talents with all of us!

  5. Laura, I so hope that you will be able to recover. Thinking of you.
    Teena Tuenge

  6. Laura, I am sending you many warm wishes and healing thoughts. The new drug regimen will no doubt do the trick and put your lymphoma back into remission. Stay warm, and keep weaving! hugs....
