
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Hi Ho, Hi Ho....

The red eye from Vancouver to Toronto shaved a half hour off the flight so my lengthy lay over became even longer.  Otoh, a half hour less in one of the more uncomfortable seats I have had the misfortune to sit in...

We arrived at 7 am to the hustle and bustle of a very large, very busy airport.  But I managed to snag a cup of coffee and an equally uncomfortable chair.  Since I packed very lightly I may grab a couple of t shirts.  A number of shops have sales on, so...

I did manage to doze for a bit on the plane but according to my body it’s actually 4 am and I ought to be sleeping.  In my bed.   Oh well, I can fall into bed early tonight.  I’m hoping to get over the jet lag quickly so that I’m functioning by Monday.   

I’m assured the snow is gone.  I should hope so!

Currently reading the latest Flavia de Luce book, which is packed away and I can’t recall the title.  

1 comment:

  1. "The Grave's a Fine and Private Place" - I'm in the middle of listening to it, too. I'm glad you're getting there early - it's going to be a fun and busy two weeks!
