
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Time Marches

My Device arrived in February and I've barely had time to become friends with it. 

This year - like almost every year - has been crazy with things that need doing, Right This Instant.  Or the next.

Right now I'm juggling - in no particular order - inventory for the craft fairs (first of the four table runner warps will go into the loom this afternoon), the conference (details of the workshops and seminars, plus ramping up marketing), The Book (book projects).

Add in some fairly important physical maintenance, and I have not had the energy to also spin.

But that changes tonight.  Since The Device is so portable, I have decided that Thursday guild drop ins I will carry The Device up to the guild room and start tackling that heap of fibre in my studio.

Because the end of this month the photos for The Book will be taken, and I need to clear some room so that there are fewer goat trails and more space to set up camera and lights.  Plus I'm out of hand spun yarn.  Not that I don't have yarn to knit with - I have also been stash diving to see what I can use up to make the shawls I use as gifts and donations to worthy causes.

It is also my birthday in less than a week.  I will be having a birthday sale of tea towels, just in case anyone is interested.  Usual deal - buy two items and receive free shipping.  Included in the sale will be Weave a V.

Not included will be Magic in the Water.  That you can purchase at Blurb

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