
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

After the Party...

...comes the clean up.  And the return to reality...

In one way writing The Book was a trip down memory lane as we mined my sample collections for textiles to serve as illustrations for the weave structures I chose to write about.  Partly it was an exercise in a certain level of anguish - what to include, what to cut?  With the stated aim of not trying to write a 'how to weave' book but a 'how to weave better' book, I didn't really want to repeat everything Mary Black wrote about in her tome. 

What I wanted to do was explain some of the whys that don't get discussed as well as some of the background information that isn't usually included in most 'learning to weave' presentations.  So my approach was to say "here is what I do - choose what might work for you".

It was also a way to share my designing thought processes, which I did for one of the projects.  I didn't want to flog the horse (so to speak) but just share some of the back and forth thinking that I do in terms of designing a textile for a particular purpose.  As the purpose changes, so does the thinking about the various considerations.

In the heat of the moment, boxes and bins were opened and turned out with samples being selected or rejected as we felt suited the purpose. 

Now I'm left with heaps and piles of samples that need to go back into their appropriate bin/box.  Which means sorting through them all again to make sure they go back into their proper place.  Mainly so that I can find them again, next time they might be needed.

Today is being particularly challenging because on top of continuing to deal with the adverse drug effects, the emotional let down of completing (my part of) a rather large project that took way longer than it should have, but was delayed due to health issues, we are also facing an invasion of wildfire smoke that is getting, quite frankly, awful.  Others have had it worse for longer, so I am trying very hard to be thankful it has taken this long to get this bad, but my allergies are kicking up a fuss and I feel wrung out for a number of reasons.

Not to mention knowing very well that not everyone will be pleased with what I've done.  I just hope that all those people who say they can't wait will not be disappointed.  But that anxiety isn't unique to me - it's true for pretty much every person who has ever set pen to paper (fingers to keyboard).

However, a firm publication date has been chosen.  I have booked a flight to visit with Ruth the end of November where we will go through the ms one last time looking for typos, things left out (we cut a bunch of stuff as being available elsewhere), make sure the last few additions go into the ms gracefully. 

What is left?  Final photo edits and the insertion of the new photos into the ms replacing the old and in some cases slightly blurry, ones.  Drafts to illustrate some weave structures.  Project notes for several projects. Two more contributions by friends to be received and processed.  Final text edits that we didn't get to, because photos were the priority - Ruth can do text edits at home but had to do the photos here.  A cover needs to be designed.  The ISBNs for the different formats have been applied for and then included (usually on the back of the title page with the rest of the publishing info).  A friend has agreed to write an introduction and three people have been approached to consider writing cover blurbs.  So they have to have copies when the ms is closer to 'complete' so they can review the ms fairly, then write their blurb (if they feel comfortable doing one).

So - while we are at 95% completion, there is still quite a lot left to do.  Considering I am now into the sixth year of trying to get this book 'born', another three months is basically 'not much'.  But that last 5% is absolutely necessary.

However, with the purchase of my flights there and back, and a 'firm' publication deadline, I can now look at what is next on my job list.

In no particular order:  workshop drafts/yarns to be prepared and mailed for the workshop in October.  Craft fair production.  Continuing to develop new textiles - if not in time for this year's craft fair season, next.  Get ready to leave on the 27th for TN and NC.

Oh yeah.  And clean up the studio so I can actually do those things.


  1. Wow, CONGRATULATIONS on getting to this milestone! Sounds like there are lots of details, but you're almost there. We're at a similar stage in our moving process - the bulk of it is done, but the final details seem to take forever. I hope the clean-up is therapeutic and easy.

  2. Laura:

    I wanted to take a moment - as a lurker - to say how much you have meant to me over the years.

    I came late into weaving and fell in love with the feel, the sounds, even the words of weaving. I have only been a hobby weaver but I am proud of the few things I have produced. One of my most prized possessions is one of the first run copies of "Magic in the Water." Like you, Real Life has interfered with my plans for for this stage, but on occasion I still open Magic and FEEL the fabrics.

    You have brought such joy, such knowledge to the weaving community. I am honored to bear witness when you share the struggles - personal and professional. I always look up the books that you are reading.

    I get strength from the fact that you are putting one foot in front of the other - or rather throwing one shuttle, then another.

    You have been inspiring in more ways than perhaps you are aware of.

    Thank you,


  3. You’re on the home stretch, darlin’! Deep breath and hang in there. The book might not be as perfect as you might wish but I guarantee it will be very very good. Just because YOU are!
