
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Too Much Adventure

We are using Mary’s dining room table as a staging area.  Mary is the best studio assistant ever(TM) and has gone out of her way to run and fetch things for the students.  I packed very light for this trip so I don’t have a large suitcase filled with materials and gewgaws like I usually do, plus I was running low on Mason’s line for lashing on.  

On top of everything else, the stress of missing my flight, having to stay overnight (an unbudgeted expense), then multiple flight delays and at least four gate changes sending me chasing all over O’Hare airport, and I came down with a cold.  Too late to cancel now, we stopped and got boxes of tissues, hand wipes and masks for anyone who wants to keep my bugs at bay.  I will wear one when I’m not lecturing but my voice is weak and a mask will further muffle my voice.  

I am feeling somewhat better today so I’m hoping it won’t last very long.  

But I’m very disappointed in catching a cold while travelling.   :(


  1. Sorry to hear you got ill while traveling. I remember loading a jet for a 5 hour flight and this guy was using sani-wipes to scrub the food tray, seats you name it. I didn't think much about it at the time but he was smart. There is little or no sanitation on flights, I had a friend whose brother was a Boeing engineer and he was very proud of Boeing's recirculating air system. I am not a believer, stress (major factor), dry air, the transportation of some very fragile healh people ( no other option ) = infection. Do your best to help yourself.

  2. Sorry you're ill - having a cold while traveling is never good, but not uncommon. As you say, there is never enough cleaning of the stuff people handle the most, seat belt buckles, trays, etc. Get well soon!
