
Friday, October 5, 2018

Pride Goeth...

Two face plants in 5 weeks.  I think there is a message in there somewhere.

It looks bad, and it is, but mostly because my immune system is compromised due to the cancer drug and the medical professionals looking after me are taking every precaution.

My knee is scraped up pretty seriously and the heels of my hands are tender.  So - all that weaving I was going to get accomplished before I left for the Island? 

Not gonna happen.

OTOH, I have administrivia for both the conference and my business to get done, so yesterday I worked on the budget for the instructors and today I will be working on the awards list for suggestions to give to the guild assisting us with that part of the conference.

And I will just ignore the fact that I won't be getting much else done for a while.

I go back Sunday morning for the dressing to get changed and then Tuesday I leave for Courtenay.  I'll be asking to pre-board.  Because steps are difficult and I'm walking sloooowly.  But I also have a few days to rest and recuperate before the workshop.  And I'll be staying with friends who I know will give me good hospitality.

But I also think I need to stop and think about my life and why the universe seems insistent that I really must slow down!


  1. Oh poor you! The universe is getting more insistent with its messages, huh? Wishing you patience and quick healing!

  2. Request a wheelchair at the airport. At the very least take a cane - generally gets you some attention in the line.

  3. Very sorry to hear that you have fallen and hurt yourself. Please take care. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. "Life is what happens when you're making other plans..." Sorry to hear about your fall - definitely use whatever aid the airlines will provide - wheelchair, courtesy assistant and/or preferential boarding. I hope your trip and workshop are much more fun than this week has been.

  5. I second the wheelchair request. I've used ita lot, esp with connecting flights, if I can't walk far or fast. Get well soon!

  6. I totally agree with all the statements about wheelchairs and other assistance at the airport. And with the comments about what the universe is trying to tell you. Quality, Laura. Think about the quality of your life, of your energies.
