
Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Friends are those who, when you only see the darkness, will light a candle for you.  When beset by doubts, they will lift you up.  When you need a hug, will hold you in their thoughts if they cannot physically reach you.

To everyone who responded to my survey - thank you for responding.  You have lit enough candles to help me see my way...


  1. I didn't do the survey because I'm not going to the event, but more importantly if it was to be only a print edition I'd think very carefully about buying it and certainly wouldn't have needed it in January.

    However, by saying no to both you might have thought this person wasn't interested in your book and it wouldn't have told you I might have considered a print version later and that now I know there's to be an eBook, I am definitely a future customer.

  2. The original intention was to only have pdf versions. I was not concerned about getting feedback about those as they will be available via My concern was wondering how many people wanted an actual print copy and if I would then purchase print copies to sign and mail out myself. :)

    thanks for your feedback.
