
Monday, December 31, 2018


Today is the last calendar day of 2018.  It's been quite the ride.

It is also time to get back to work.  I will finally open the Christmas cards that have arrived and write out my own.  There is a reason my cards say "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays".

But after that?  I need to begin writing out mailing labels and customs forms for the book orders.

I know I could type them out and print them, but I sit at the computer far too much already.  And I want to take the time to think of each person and in my own way thank them.  It's a big ask to expect people to purchase a book, sight unseen.  So I want to spend a little time appreciating these people who took the leap and purchased.

Plus I don't want to get writer's cramp, so I will pace myself and do this over several days, in between weaving.

I'm getting close to finishing the current warp, the next has been crunched, plus I should hear shortly from Tien what she wants/needs done next for samples for her on-line class

I have 8 scarf warps wound ready to go into the Leclerc Fanny, plus I just ordered a huge amount of 2/8 cotton from Brassard which will arrive sometime in January once they are open again after the holidays.

Conference planning continues.  Some scheduling issues were caught and will be dealt with before we go live with registration.  Always like to find these before we go live.

Sending my best wishes to all for a productive new year.

Currently reading The Broken Kingdoms by N. K. Jemisin


  1. I've been reading Jemisen, too, and really enjoying her writing. Here's a wish for a year full of happiness, good health, and lots of fiber fun. Happy Holidays to you and Doug.

  2. Happy New Year! Wishing you all good fortune, good health and happy weaving in the year ahead. I'm taking advantage of today's holidays to read some of my favourite weaving blogs, I don't get much time for crafts or writing at the moment so reading about other people's work and enjoying the photos is some consolation and helps me feel like I'm still in touch.
