
Monday, December 17, 2018

It’s Really Real!

There were so many stations along the way when The Book began to feel 'really real'.

But now this - finally - an actual book, hard cover, full colour, ISBN and all.

It finally, truly, is...really actually real.

When I decided to proceed with this project it was because I would not have to do the warehousing and shipping of the books.  The website would take the orders, print the books out, ship them away to their new homes, pay me my share at the end of the month.

And then I decided that - because I'm self-publishing - an introductory offer would be A Good Thing.  Plus people wanted something immediately, not weeks later.  People asked very nicely if they bought a printed copy directly from me, could they get a free PDF?  People wanted something for their partner to have to open on Christmas day - even a thumb drive with the PDF on it would do.

I reluctantly decided to present an introductory offer, time limited:  purchase the hard bound actual printed out book directly from me, get it signed once I received the shipment from the printing company, plus get the PDF immediately.

Which meant I had to order in actual 'really real' books, sign them (writer's cramp, carpal tunnel and all), find padded envelopes, fill out customs forms, schlep them all down to the post office.

Well, I figured I might sell 50 or so, so why not.

All y'all have far exceeded my expectations.

As of yesterday morning, when last I counted, there were 170 paid orders.  Since then more orders have come in.  There are also about 20 in the pending pile, awaiting payment.  Some have opted to send cheques, some (in Canada) e-transfers, some have had Paypal requests sent and just need to send me the money.

As soon as I get payment and can process the paperwork, I send a link to the PDF in Dropbox (or Acrobat for those people having difficulty with Dropbox).  People can download the file onto their computers/ipad, whatever.  That file will go away, probably by Dec. 31 so if you have a link, do download the file.

This is a limited time offer, which ends at midnight Dec. 21, 2018.  After that the book in both PDF and print versions will be available from blurb (along with Magic in the Water, also both in PDF and print versions).

I expect to have some copies of the print version available at the ANWG conference in my booth.  I may have some Magic in the Water, print version as well as Weave a V (which I published for Kerstin Fro:berg and which is still available from me in North America - from her in Europe).

Thank you to everyone who contacted me and those who purchased.  Heart cockles very definitely warmed.


  1. I know I've commented a couple of times on FB, but I wanted to add my bit here too. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so impressed with your commitment and sheer determination to get this done, despite the challenges life as thrown you.

    The knowledge you've shared with me over the years, directly and indirectly (through your blog, posts to WeaveTech, etc) has been invaluable to my weaving life. I know I'll learn even more from your book -- and I'm thrilled to have it in my library.

    You are a gift to the weaving world, Laura. Blessings on you!

  2. Where would I find information about the contents of this book, it’s hard cover price and how to order it? Thanks - Carolyn

  3. You can purchase through, or Sweet Georgia Yarns. Last I looked Sweet Georgia had several signed copies in stock. :)
