
Monday, March 25, 2019

Dare to Dream

Fear of failure is a big obstacle to many people trying to move beyond their current level of skill.  But failure isn't something to be feared.  Unless of course the consequence of doing something is actual injury!

As a child I was never too worried about failing.  Oh sure I would be upset that things hadn't worked out but failure was just a step on the road to learning.

Sometimes the lesson was to not do that particular thing again.  The results were not what I desired.  But being analytical, it was just another step on the learning curve.

I suppose part of me was never too worried about what other people thought of me.  Falling flat on my face?  Oh well.  Get up and try again.

Part of my learning about failing was music lessons and dance lessons.  Didn't get it right?  Try again.  Again.  Again.  Until I did get it.

Flub at the music recital?  Oops.  Do better next time.  Practice more for next time.  Flub at the dance recital?  Oops.  Still not perfect.  Try harder.  And guess what?  That mistake?  That flub?  The world did not come crashing to an end.

A very important lesson to learn as a child.  A valuable lesson to learn as a child.

As an adult, being tossed into the deep end of the pool teaching?  Learn how to accept that I made a mistake, confess to the class I'd made a mistake.  Work to make it right.

As a weaver, setting up a warp that didn't turn out?  Accept that the results were not what I desired, change the end purpose, or choose the scissor solution and make an offering to the loom goddess.  Then move on to the next, absorbing the lesson, learn from it, make better decisions.

Before we can move forward, we have to break out of our limitations, face our fears.  And to it anyway.  Dare to dream.  Dare to dream big dreams.

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