
Friday, May 10, 2019

If It Was Easy

  • Image result for Staples Easy button

There are days - many days - when I wish I had a functioning 'easy' button.

Life isn't always 'easy'.  Weaving isn't always 'easy'. 

Organizing conferences isn't 'easy' either.  

On the other hand, doing something challenging, 'hard' even, and managing to accomplish it?  Pretty darned satisfying.

But today?  I kinda wish I had an 'easy' button.

Or at least a 'round tuit'...

A friend says that it is much more satisfying to say "I did a thing" than to say "I am going to do a thing."

She's right.

Come six weeks from now, I will be able to say "I did a conference."  (Again.)  

Time to get back to the data crunching.  Or go thread a loom.  Or something...

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