
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

All Done But the Clean Up

Sunday the facilities were emptied of the equipment that was delivered there on Tuesday.  One trailer came here because I feel like I dragged half my studio to the conference!  The other trailer had things that were carried on up to the guild room.

Monday Doug and I went to the guild room to collect more of my things that did not have my name on but that we needed to remove from the guild room so there was space to move up there.

Birthe has spent most of today finishing the documenting of the Awards, which are now - all except the People's Choice ribbons - listed on the conference website and the conference blog.

On Sunday I had the able assistance of many hands which made light work of dealing with the worst of the mess in my studio.  Yesterday Ruth went home and today Cindy and Mary are on their way.

I had every intention on jumping right in on things today, but of course more organization needed to be done!

However, I did sort through the boxes of homework and even opened one.  Got the essay/research paper read and crashed and burned. 

Since getting up from a rather lengthy 'nap' I've been catching up on messages and emails and now, here it is, half way through the afternoon and I feel like I've accomplished nothing much at all.  Except I have.  It's just not anything concrete that I can point at.

One of the things simmering in the back of my mind is the wrap up report to go to the ANWG board.

I intend to write that up in the next couple of days while it is still 'fresh' in my mind.  But not today when I'm still so tired.  Plus homework to be marked.  Class prep to start for Olds level one happening in ack, three weeks!  LESS!  17 days until I hit the highway!!!  Yikes - my how time flies when you are having fun...

So - we aren't quite done, done, but getting there.  I think most of the committee will drag themselves to the guild room tonight for a quick meeting and reminder of what else needs to be done.

For now?  I need to go do some marking.  I've promised five students to get their homework done and the marks to the college by Monday.

Any future 'big dreams' are going to be rather smaller in nature...I'm getting too old to be having this much fun!

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