
Friday, June 7, 2019

I Win!


In the 'if it can go wrong, it will'?  This warp went 'wrong' so many times I can't even count.

Of course all of the 'wrong' was operator error.  Of course it was.

Threading issues, reading the draft wrong issues, running out of heddle issues (multiple times), sleying issues (multiple times). 

That really short last bundle?  Yep.  Left two groups of four sitting on the table instead of in the reed.

Distraction level was the scale.

I'll be honest, weaving is not difficult, but getting yarn into cloth is a complex process.  If I'm not feeling well because I'm ill, or stressed and therefore distracted?  Guaranteed to have to deal with errors!

My mother used to pinch her lips, shake her head and wonder aloud where I got my stubbornness.

With a French Canadian mother and German father, gee, I wonder!!!!

I am also a control freak, which I discovered when I started weaving.  Weaving is a long list of steps that must be taken in order to have good results.  That kind of methodical 'control' suited me to a T.

No, I'm not a perfectionist.  But I love the process of taking individual threads and putting them into order.  Order out of chaos.  It's very satisfying.

But sometimes?  Sometimes I'm distracted and I flub.  In this case?  Repeatedly.

Now this warp is done and dusted, ready to be loaded up into the trailer parked in our driveway.  Yes, we have a trailer.  Plus Birthe has another for the other stuff to be moved from the guild room to the venues.

Order from chaos.  Yes.

Brought to you by 'my mama didn't raise a quitter'....

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