
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Side Hustle

I'm thinking I could start a 'side' hustle, dressing looms for others.  Why not?  It's the part that most people complain about the most.  It's the most time heavy part of the process.  I could hire myself out, like itinerant fruit pickers, visit weavers, dress their looms, then move on.  Like the tooth fairy, but better...

I have already done that, here and there as I've visited with people, getting their workshop looms ready because they ran out of time.

This warp is for Janet Dawson's workshop.

Through a comedy of errors (so to speak) we confirmed her workshop, then had people drop out due to Life Happening.  Having already confirmed, we decided to go ahead, but three people, three looms, wasn't going to do the class material justice.  So I asked how many looms would.  We settled on a number, I asked for the loan of looms and in the end one other guild member will dress her loom and loan it to us.  I'm doing two more.

One of the reasons I wanted to complete all the registration data crunching was because I still have those two warps to get ready.  Here is one - 2/8 Tencel which will be set up in an 8 shaft deflected double weave.

One of the local participants is borrowing my 'table' loom and will set up the loom with the colour and weave warp, which I wound for her.  I think the last warp is a twill gamp.

After not touching a loom for almost two weeks, I'm happily winding this warp.  The colours appeal and it's not so complicated that I can't just go with the flow of winding, four threads of each colour.  A nice repetitive mantra of 1,2,3,4, change colour, 1,2,3,4, and follow the cheat sheet.  

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