
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Birthday Special.

I came back from lunch to find a birthday surprise on my desk and a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday.

Watermelon is one of my favourite fruits and the lovely card from everyone was so unexpected.  The flowers brighten the 'desk' for everyone's enjoyment.

Totally surprised.  Completely appreciated.  Thanks to all - my students here and all the well wishes on Facebook.


  1. When I was a kid, I used to request a watermelon, cut in half the long way with candles stuck in (I don't remember any round watermelons in those days, only the long kind) instead of a birthday cake. :-)

  2. What a lovely surprise. Happy Birthday dear Laura! And many happy returns. (You’re only 4 months older than me so you’re obviously still just a spring chicken!) Hope you enjoyed your watermelon! Have some for me too since I’m allergic to melons and I miss them this time of year..
