
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Snip, Snip

I have been saying for years that I wanted, I needed to downsize.  When events in my life moved me to go from saying it to actively doing it, I expected to have some feels about it.  And I do.  Just not as much angst as I really expected, honestly.

This year has been pivotal in terms of making life changing decisions.  I was fully ready to do some of them; others?  Not so much. 

I wish the timing of some of the changes had been different, but on the whole, I am finding I am ready, more than ready, to cut some things out of my life.

Doug has been a rock, helping shift and move things from pillar to post.  Offering to make things.  Re-purposing what we already have.  My back won't tolerate the lifting of heavy boxes any more so we have been able to get assistance from a young fellow who can help Doug.  Yesterday they moved the large air compressor that ran the air assist for the AVL out of the studio and into the carport.  Doug will be offering that for sale in the coming days.

Someone will be coming to look at the industrial sewing machine.  If he wants it his sons will no doubt help carry that up and out.  We have had a nibble about the industrial steam press, but getting it to the interested party might be a deal breaker.  Time will tell.

Without my doing very much at all some of the AVL parts have been selling.  Once the dust settles we will do an inventory of what is left and see if there is any interest.  The loom frame was given to a young couple who make toys for children. 

But this week I find myself ready to start cutting other things from my life.  Yesterday I wrestled with the administrivia of any business - the books.  With just four more months of business to run, it was a real struggle to sift through receipts, enter the income/expenses into my ledger and try to balance my chequebook.  After feeling pressured by outside influence to shut my business down - and resenting it because I wasn't ready - I suddenly found myself more than ready to see the end of doing this kind of task.  I'd been faithfully doing this for 4 decades plus.  Four more months.  I think I'm ready.

I also found myself ready to stop doing other things that had been a large part of my weaving life.

Snip, snip.  I am cutting away the things that no longer bring me joy (some of it never did bring joy but were necessary!)

Marie Kondo got a lot of flak over her suggestion to get rid of anything that doesn't bring you joy.  I think she has been spot on.

Currently reading The American Agent by Jacqueline Winspear

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