
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Ripple Effect

Change.  Change one thing, and everything can - and frequently does - change.

Doing a major studio overhaul while also trying to stay on target for production is, in a word, challenging.  On the other hand, I want to get through this, not just anticipate it for the next 5 months.  I want my 'old' life to be wrapped up in a nice neat bow so that when 2020 arrives, I will be ready for my 'new' life.  As much as I can be.

Changing the studio in such drastic ways means that my old ways of working aren't going to continue to work very well.  This morning we started filling the shelves that Doug and his helper installed over the previous two days and all was going well until I realized that I wasn't going to be able to comfortably work at the Leclerc Fanny with the shelves standing so far away from the wall and into my work space.

When I asked Doug to help move the loom over, it meant moving a small set of drawers, which in reality will soon become redundant, but not yet, then trying to figure out where some boxes needed to go to get to the loom.  Since there is still no 'home' for the contents of said boxes, once again things got moved from pillar to post, temporarily.

Then as we were discussing the position of the loom I realized that since the valet had to be moved because the loom was moved, I could also turn the loom to a different orientation which would give me better working space with the new configuration of shelving that was happening at that end of the studio.

If we turned the loom, however, I would not have the valet to use today to dress the loom, so we just moved the loom over about 18" and the final placing of the loom and valet will have to wait a few more days because moving the valet will be easier with some help.  And his helper won't be available for a few days.

In the meantime, I really need to get a warp on that loom, so interim placing will happen and hopefully I can get a couple of mat warps done before the loom gets moved to it's 'final' position.

And so it goes.  One change after another, each one having a ripple effect which means that changing one thing isn't about changing that one thing but the domino effect that happens with every single change.

I keep my eye on what the end result will be and try not to get too fussed by the constant stream of changes.  Ch-ch-changes...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that old domino effect. Yes, just one thing moved and the apple cart is upset. The older I get, the more I dislike change. I am looking forward to what 2020 holds for you at Weaving a Life. What an interesting blog you write!
