
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

One Step, Two Steps

We continue on our progress to do the studio re-organization and get the Megado up and running.

I finally felt able to work my way through the manual for the computer dobby set up.  It was a bit confusing because they provide so many different formats in order to run the loom.  Which is great, but it took a while for me to work my way through the manual and figure out what it is I wanted to do.  Or at least find the method I wanted to use.

I didn't want to use the wifi hookup, for reasons, but a direct cable.  Turns out that was pretty much the last option they gave so I had to read through a lot of stuff I didn't really understand to finally find what I was looking for.  Then I had to locate the cable they said they included - Doug had put it 'away' - only to discover it was too short for my space requirements.  Doug suggested 12 feet but Staples only had an 11' in stock, so it may mean shuffling the computer cabinet or loom so that they can live closer to each other.   I'd kind of like to have less of a gap between the two to discourage walking around the loom in that direction, so when he gets home I'll ask him about shifting one or both.

Doug's helper got the sectional rake staples installed yesterday.  When I put them in the other day I found them very loose - and we aren't anywhere close to 'dry' season here.  I was worried that the staples would just fall out while I had a warp on the beam.  That would have been a disaster for the tension, so Doug and helper worked on opening the staples slightly so that to go in they had to be pinched together and should now stay in the holes. 

Since I got home I have had a huge flare of pain and my hands were suffering so instead of my taking on the task of doing the staples I had to ask for help.  I have no idea what is going on with my body, but I'm not enjoying it much.  However I'm taking Aleve and hoping that the pain flare is related to my gut issues and once that settles, so will the inflammation in my body generally.

The two guys emptied all the boxes of silk and put it on the shelves for me, too.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with it all but that is a job for next year.

Other progress was that the new apron was installed on the Leclerc Fanny.  I was going to dress that loom this morning until I remembered I need another apron rod, which Doug may buy today, along with a rod for the Megado - because I want an apron on that loom, too.

What I have accomplished this week was to almost complete the hemming of the place mats Doug pressed on Saturday.  My hands settled down enough that I could do that, thankfully.  There are still something like four dozen more to wet finish/hem but I'm still very low on inventory in spite of those waiting in the wings.  I have seriously been thinking of cancelling the Calgary show in November, in no small part because I have so little inventory and I've been sick enough plus the looms still aren't running.  Even if I felt well enough.

But the loom is nearly in its place, the computer cabinet is ready for me to test the dobby as soon as I finish running the cables, the rods will make at least one of the looms functional, maybe today.

Tomorrow evening on my way to guild I'm going to go to the annex and do a quick inventory and see just how much I do - or do not - have ready to go.  There is a bin of tea towels that just needs their tags/prices which I could drop off and get it out of my road here.  It won't take long to affix the labels.  A job for this afternoon?

I am sick to death of the heaps of loom parts and clutter everywhere.  I just have no time to go through all the bits and pieces, list them, then see if anyone is interested.  I may just tell Doug to load it up and take it to the landfill.

My patience, never very thick to begin with, is wearing very thin.

On the other hand, I will be weaving on the Leclerc very soon, and hopefully on the Megado in a day or two.  I still need to work out how I'm going to thread it.  And if I'm going to be able to work with the Louet tension box or if Doug needs to add the AVL rail to the Megado. 

Still a work in progress...


  1. You know how they always say things have to get worse before they get better? I’ve never liked that worse phase, and sometimes it causes me to rush through and make not-the-best decisions just so I can get to the better part.

  2. Definitely through the worst of the worst, I think. Just not far enough into the better to be functional. :(

  3. I had to buy an extension cord for my loom as well and so it hangs between the loom and the wall plug. I unplug it after use and drape it over the top of the brain box. Same deal for the USB cord as well.... they seem to be either too short or too long!

    I know when we moved in 2016 and I was setting up again. The placement of the Megado in relation to electric outlet took precedence over all else! Next was no windows in the fling zone for when I eventually set up the fly shuttle!

    I know you are eventually going with a sectional beam.... but it may be helpful to watch Jane Stafford's video on beaming (a Spring loom) but the basic method is the same no matter the model. I decided against a sectional as I get incredibly bored past a certain yardage... and so the Louet beaming method really works for me. Quick, efficient and great warps. Your trapeze would work into it nicely.
