
Monday, September 30, 2019

Taking Stock

In the midst of the major overhaul of the studio it was time to take stock of where we were at and what else needs to get done.

Yesterday after getting the Megado and my laptop talking to each other, it was time to make some more decisions.

With the desktop not seemingly able to connect with the loom, that computer became surplus to requirements.  Then the cabinet it lived in was no longer needed for that purpose.  However, Doug suggested that it could be turned into a cabinet to house all my CDs (and cassettes - yes, I still play music cassettes - or did - I may give them up now) and that in turn could free up the rack most of the CDs currently live on, thereby freeing up about 6 square feet of space for more functional shelving.

We discussed placement of the cabinet where it would make more usable space for me to work and store boxes.  Because I took a look at the annex and was dismayed at how much more stuff needs to be emptied out of that before I can give the landlord notice that I will be moving out.

I have been whittling away at my stash, getting rid of dribs and drabs of yarn, doing the best I can to use up what can be used through knitting shawls.  I've made good progress but knitting is slower than weaving.  Except that some of the yarn is too little to weave with, too much to throw away.  So, I knit.  Knitting is also portable so I can bring my bag when I go to guild or my rare visits with friends.

Doug's helper is coming today and they will continue with the adjusted layout in the studio.  If Doug can also get the sectional equipment sorted as well, I expect to be tossing a test warp onto the Megado in the next day or two.

But I realized last night that there is just 3.5 weeks left until the first sale of the season.  I am woefully under prepared.  But I am officially running out of time, so all I can do is what I can do.

I did let the Studio Shop know that after the craft fairs I will be bringing more stock in, just in time for Christmas sales.  Since I am shutting down my business, but will still have inventory, one way to cope with left over stock is to sell on consignment or on line. 

So watch this space for announcements of things for sale beginning late November.

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