
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Prep Time

Last weekend Doug went pressing, getting the finishing press on the last of the place mats done.  While waiting for the press to heat up, he loaded up the rest of the inventory stored there, then Sunday night boxed up all the inventory stored here.  Tuesday his helper came and the two of them carried all the boxes and bins upstairs and out into the carport in order to load up the van.

Meanwhile I was fringe twisting my fingers to the bone (so to speak).  I have three more scarves to do but my wrists are beginning to hurt on top of my back, which has been hurting all along.  (Growing old - and decrepit - is not for sissies!)

It feels very odd, this not scrambling like mad, trying to make more, do more.  Recognizing that this is the last year to do craft fairs on my own hook.  The local guild has a booth at the big craft fair each year, and I have discussed the fact that I can sell through the guild booth on consignment, both there and at other venues the guild takes part in - like the fall fair and the annual guild sale.  So I'm not gone entirely - because my inventory won't be gone.

It also feels very odd to not be scrambling trying to fill up my calendar with guild and conference teaching opportunities.  Or article submission deadlines.  The oddity continues because the college has been going through some changes and I won't know until well into the new year if I will be teaching at Olds.  Since I'm not contacting other venues, I can hold dates open for the college - am happy to do so, in fact. 

But it all feels...odd.

I feel some kind of public acknowledgement needs to be done, so I will likely print out a 'farewell' letter and post in my booth.  I'd like to let people know that I'm done but also - especially for the local people - give information on where my textiles will continue to be on sale.

We are pretty much through autumn, heading into winter.  We had a huge wind storm the other day which ripped most of the rest of the leaves off of the trees.  Things are looking sparse - and sad.  Autumn colours have faded and overnight frost is now routine.  I'd be much happier if we had some sunny days at least.  The daylight hours are getting shorter, made even more so due to the overcast dreariness.  The forecast is saying some sun over the weekend, so I am hoping that happens. 

I am in persevere mode right now.  One day, one job, one deadline at a time.  Getting through the next 4 weeks, then through to the solstice.  When the sun begins it's slow gentle return.

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