
Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Over the years I have adjusted and re-arranged the studio to suit my needs of the time.  This time is more than just a tweak but a full blown 'toss it like salad'.

Making the decision to close the studio as a business has been emotional, yes, but it has forced me to closely examine what it is I will be doing come 2020.  Because I will no longer need to weave at production levels.

Between us, we have managed to re-home some of the production equipment.  I had little expectation that anyone other than me would want it, so it was a pleasant surprise when we found someone just a day's drive away who wanted the pirn winder.  I hope that she has it installed and is now happily using it.  The AVL was broken down into pieces and some of those pieces have also found new homes.  I'm still waiting on one person to let me know if they still want what they expressed an interest in. 

As we sorted through the heaps and piles of rubble, other decisions needed to be made.  Since I will no longer be beaming warps sectionally from mill cones, the metal rack Doug had retrofitted for me for that purpose, and which had turned into a clutter collector, could also go.  That went this morning and left this gaping hole:

The large pieces of 'paper' are actually pulp 'boards' and over the years they have proven to be extremely useful for various and sundry things.  They lived behind the rack, out of sight and out of the way.  We will likely keep them and Doug will customize another shelving rack to fit in the hole the rack left.  The annex still has shelves full of boxes of...stuff...that needs to come here.  Some of the boxes are filled with acrylic yarn and their destination will most likely be one of the thrift shops.  I will keep some to use for tying warps off, but I certainly do not need all of the boxes.

The computer cabinet is now officially my music cabinet:

Moving it from where it was beside the loom, taking up a large amount of real estate and tucking it into a corner means that the wall to the right (as I look at the photo) now has room for more shelving or piling of boxes.  Doug says there are still shelves at the annex he can modify so that corner to the right can be assigned to more storage.

The thing is, as I weave down my stash, sell my inventory, things will continue to change  Right now we are working on the theory that my studio is a Tardis and we can stuff more things into it than has any physical right to go.

Today Doug should get the sectional box modification done on the Megado, and then he will work on getting a quote for crating and shipping the Woolhouse Margaret.  The loom was spoken for within 20 minutes of my posting that I wanted to sell it, plus there is one person on a waiting list in case the crating and shipping is too expensive for person 1.

So there will soon be the floor space the loom is currently taking for more storage.  Ultimately I don't have to have everything moved here until I am ready to hand in notice to the landlord, but I'm trying really hard to make decisions based on what my future holds, not on my memory and the priorities of my past.

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