
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Turn, Turn, Turn

Turn, Turn, Turn

To everything there is a season...

Today I went through my ledger and completed the GST for the third quarter.  I was also notified that it's time to file PST for the first part of 2019, so those figures got added up as well.

I have an appointment booked with the bank next week to find out about what to do in terms of my business banking.  My accountant already knows that I will be seeing her in the new year to follow through on how to properly shut down my sales tax accounts with both branches of government

As I close out my business, I thought about the Byrds song Turn, Turn, Turn and how to everything there is a season.

Next year I turn 70.  I have no idea what the coming years will hold.  I hope to keep teaching for a while (the Olds program - I confirmed with the college last week that I am interested in staying on the roster).

Doug has been working like a navvy getting the studio re-organization done.  He's managed to sell some things, I've managed to sell some things.  Today he is getting the Woolhouse Margaret ready to be crated and shipped.

I am becoming friends with the Megado and will be keeping the Leclerc Fanny as well.  But I really didn't need the Woolhouse so it will go to a new home.

I have managed to weave down my stash, somewhat, and will continue to weave.  I'm still needing to remind myself that I won't need to weave at production levels because this year is the last year I will take my own booth at a craft fair.  Next year I will most likely still have pretty significant levels of inventory, but I can put that into the guild booth at Studio Fair plus the guild sale we usually have in late November, early December (this year Nov 30/Dec 1) at the guild room.  And of course there is the local Studio Shop run by the Community Arts Council.  Or on line sales.

My 'season' as a professional weaver is well into autumn.  A friend is keeping track of how many days until year end, but I don't actually want to know.  I'm working hard at staying in the moment, neither fussing about when the first show is, or when my last day as a business owner happens.

I chose to be a weaver as my profession; now I choose to have weaving as a hobby, a personal enrichment.  Studies over and over show that people who do creative things, who continue to learn, have better outcomes for 'old age' than those who don't.

My body is telling me loud and clear that I cannot sustain weaving for production.  Physically I am well into autumn.

I have physical issues I am dealing with, some I'm ignoring as best I can.  But there is no denying that I am a senior with a body that is wearing out.

Beginning on January 1, 2020 I will be focusing on keeping a good quality of life as my first priority.  Self care will mean that I weave, yes, but that I will also make time in my day for other things.

As autumn turns into winter, so will I embrace this change of season. 

No regrets.  Or not many.

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