
Sunday, November 17, 2019


Doug is at the hall, waiting a turn at the loading dock.   

This is the last big show and I am relieved, I guess is the best word to use.

Physically the three craft fairs we just did were very hard on me.   Since there is no guarantee that I will improve much, I prefer to ‘save’ what energy and stamina I have for teaching and actually weaving.  

But I was able to say goodbye to several people, thank the show organizer in person for all the work she and her crew does every year.  We passed a couple of display items to another exhibitor, and moved some inventory.  There is still a lot left, too much, really.   One of the priorities once the van is unloaded and the boxes of textiles unpacked, is to go through and select what will go into the consignment shop, what will go to the guild sale.   After the guild sale hopefully there will be less inventory and more money in the bank. 

The rest of this month will be major sifting, sorting, and disbursing.  And some weaving.   Still cautiously making friends with the Megado.  The new year will bring new things.  We will have company in January, perhaps two lots.  February is the weaving workshop.  I’m keeping fingers crossed for Olds classes, but haven’t heard anything yet.   

I’m toying with flying to TN to visit friends and wander Convergence.   But that will depend on how things go.   To be determined.  

September is a school reunion and I’m thinking of going.  After all, I will be ‘retired’ and can plan on doing things other than scrambling to get ready for craft fair season.  

Several people have asked how I feel about this latest development in my life.  I confess I did struggle with it for a while.  Initially I felt forced into it due to a confluence of things.  And I am stubborn enough that I don’t like feeling pressured to do something.  But it has become very obvious that stopping doing shows and shutting my business now is the right thing to do.

I look forward to teaching for Olds when they want me, mentoring my students, encouraging other weavers, and taking some time for myself.  Beyond saying that, I have no idea how things will go.   I’m sure that any void will be filled.  One way or another.  

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