
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Next Step

One of the reasons for doing the craft fairs to finish out this year was to say goodbye, not just to fellow artisans, but my customers.  To that end I posted the following message in my booth:


This is my last time participating in this show.  I would like to say thank you for the encouragement and support over the 40 some years I have been doing craft fairs.

While I will still be weaving, I will be returning to what drew me to the creation of cloth in the first place - all the various ways thread can be manipulated to make a textile.

Over the years I have met many lovely people, visited places I would never have done if I hadn't decided to become a weaver in the 20th - and onward into the 21st century.

It has been challenging, stimulating, educational and very satisfying on so many levels.

Thank you to those people who purchased my textiles and have let me know that they were used and enjoyed.  I hope they have given you as much enjoyment in the using of them that I had in the making of them.  

Thank you!

The sign sparked interest, and many reactions.  Folk commented that they would miss seeing my textiles on display (and me, too!)  Other artisans asked if I was ok, others how I felt about retiring.  Many, in my age bracket, either shared this was their last year, too, or shook my hand and congratulated me.

Today I emptied the boxes of what is left of my inventory.  Too much, as it happens, but less than a full shelving unit.  The next step is to go through the stacks of items, pull out inventory for the consignment shop.  I'm hoping to deliver that tomorrow as I need to be next door to the shop for an interview for a podcast.  (Will post link here if anyone is interested.)

I had hoped to weave the rest of the shawl I began yesterday on the Megado, but I slept in this morning, took too long to get mobile, then had appointments and a much longer wait at the lab to get blood drawn.  And was reminded not to exercise afterwards.  So, no weaving today then.  And likely none tomorrow unless I actually get up with the alarm and don't slouch through the morning.

However, I will also be offering my things for sale via this blog.  The top two shelves are scarves.  Prices range from $100 for rayon chenille, to $110 for rayon, to $125.00 for some rayon, to $145 for silk/rayon.  There are also more scarves in the two boxes on the next shelf down, which also has small table runners the same quality as the place mats, which are to the far right of the next shelf.  Table runners are $27 while place mats are $13.50.  The runners are more than double the length of the mats.  Next to the mats are the smaller of the wider table runners.  Price on those is $60 each at about $58-60" length

The next shelf down has tea/kitchen utility towels.  Some have 20% linen, most have 50% linen.    The 20% linen are $32, the 50% linen are $38.  The longer of the wide table runners are on the same shelf.  Those are around 90" in length and are $90 each.  

Orders for $100 or more will receive free shipping.  Payment can be by Paypal.  If someone wishes to do credit card, I can try the 'remote' feature of Square and see if I can make that work.  Canadians can do e-transfers.  Or if you are really old fashioned, I can accept a cheque, either Canadian or US.  But I won't ship until I receive the cheque.

If anyone is interested, email me laura at laurafry dot com, tell me what you are looking for, I'll see if I have anything of that nature, take photos and email you back.  If you need to know dimensions, I can send those as well.

One step.  Two steps.  Another step.  And another.  Progress!  

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