
Monday, December 9, 2019

Opportunity Knocking

Having no plan in place but simply to finish shutting down the business and move out of the annex, I have steadfastly been NOT making plans (other than teaching, if Olds wants to schedule me).

Over the weekend I got an email from a friend saying she had referred one of her friends to me because they wanted some place mats and she had no time to make anything.  With her recommendation that they were a good client, I was interested to see if they would follow up.

When the email dropped into my inbox, I decided that I could make place mats as a special order, but not in time for Christmas giving and suggested that the recipient of the gift be presented with a gift certificate.  I said that I probably would need to order in colours as I am 'low' on yarn inventory.  (Well, low for me.  I had already drawn up a fill in order for Brassard and said I'd hold it in case.)

Turns out I have the colours they want on hand so I have agreed to make place mats, but not in time for Christmas.

I had left December as free from deadlines as possible due to the studio stuff, plus the anticipated surgery on my foot - which has been put on hold - for reasons.  Which was actually a good thing because this down sizing and business shut down has taken way more of my time and energy than hoped.  Doug has been shouldering as much of the physical work as possible, which I am very grateful for, but there are still decisions to be made, things that I need to do.

At any rate, if the client agrees, I can actually wind a warp sometime today and begin setting up the Leclerc Fanny to weave them.  In the meantime I have orders of tea towels to ship, finish threading the warp on the Megado, stay out of Doug's way when he and his helper set up the shelving unit next to the Megado.  Working on the Leclerc would ensure I'm productive away from where they are working.  Win-win!

Now that we are seeing an actual end to the tunnel, sure enough, opportunity has come knocking.  I have learned that sometimes the knock is a gentle tap and if my brain squirrels are raging through my brain, the knock cannot be heard.  Sometimes a little quiet is what is needed. 

If I had to articulate what I hope from this retirement gig, it would be that I have enough quiet in my life to hear and respond to opportunities that may come my way.  OTOH, I have also learned in my life that saying 'no' is a perfectly acceptable response.  I have also learned that 'no' is a complete sentence.

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