
Monday, December 2, 2019

The Intentional Weaver

One year ago, I was with my editor pressing the button to launch The Intentional Weaver as a hardback and PDF file.

The intention (ha!) was to also provide a paperback version on the one year anniversary, but we hit a snag.  Blurb has a variety of book formats but their paperback is meant to be a photo book, not a paperback 'textbook' and the pricing on their photo/paper back was not only not cheaper than the hardback, it was substantially more expensive.

After all the work Ruth did to format TIW for paperback (because change one thing, everything can change - including text formatting), late last night we 'folded'. 

There will be no paperback version of TIW.  My desire to provide a cheaper version of the hard copy was not actually possible.

We also discussed an ebook version.  We decided that was redundant because the PDF version easily imports into Kindle already.  Numerous people have let me know that they have done it.  As I have.  I have a copy of TIW on my ipad and it loaded into Kindle just fine.

Hardbacks are also more durable than paperbacks, so in the long run, the hard back for a book that may be referred to often is a better value for someone's money than a paperback that might not stand up to textbook type of book handling.

People have emailed or told me in person that they frequently refer to specific sections of the book to refresh their memory on the process.  And this is exactly how I envisioned people would use the book - as a reference, a refresher, an aid to memory. 

There have been reviews of The Intentional Weaver in both Handwoven and Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot.  Maybe Santa needs to know if it needs to go on someone's Xmas wish list...


  1. I would like to buy a copy of the book. What is the best way so that you receive the most money from it?

  2. Purchase through blurb. It is the only way to buy a copy (unless you can find a second hand one somewhere).
