
Wednesday, December 11, 2019


The Megado.  May be moved slightly for better access on the not computer side of the loom.  Still moving stuff onto the shelves in the back corner though, so it will stay where it is for now.

The middle part of the studio.  One shelving unit has silk, the other a miscellaneous collection of stuff.  To the left in the photo is the warping board.

The Leclerc Fanny, turned so that I now have natural light on the weaving.  

From the other side of the room showing new shelves for rayon chenille again, miscellaneous stuff.  There is also room for wound warps to be stored, although some cleaning still needs to be done.

While we are still in the tunnel, trying to get things re-homed, one way or another, a great deal of progress has been made and the studio is shaping up nicely.  There are lots and lots of shelves, and the goal is to abolish goat trails.  I think we are doing pretty well on that front.

Once we get rid of the last of the AVL parts and the cone winder, that will free up additional space to bring more stuff over from the annex.  Since I'm still paying rent on it, it might as well store the stuff until we have room for it here, rather than stack it willy-nilly creating goat trails.

Doug and his helper will shift about 6 fairly large boxes of yarn to the guild for their 'purchase by donation' pile.  It's mostly finer unmercerized cotton - 10/2 and 20/2 - things I don't foresee myself ever using.  I may add my small box of 2/20 merc. cotton to the pile at some point.  OTOH, it is lovely yarn and could be used to ply my handspun, or as a tabby weft if I should require one.  Or even on a warp of thicker yarn to create a lighter, more drapeable fabric.  So, since it is just a small box, I'll keep that - for now.

Doug should have a helper on Sunday for the next big push.  If there is time, they will install new light fixtures.  With my cataracts growing, better light is going to become increasingly necessary and the new light fixtures fit closer to the ceiling.

But everything takes longer than expected.  I'm glad we started this a few months ago.  It has been stressful enough, trying to fit everything in, Doug building new shelves as we go, trying to figure out what to keep, what to get rid of.  There is a contingency plan for the press should no one offer it a home.  There are still empty shelves for things like my teaching samples and lace supplies.  The teaching samples will come over next week and I will condense the bins, and sort them out in the new year.  Once the next set of shelves is built, the bins of lace supplies can come over.  

After those bins are cleared out, it will be much easier to sort through the rest and decide what to do with the last of it.

However, the tunnel digging seems to be going well and 2020 should begin with a nice 'new' studio space to work in, a lot more comfortably.

Currently reading The Reality Bubble by Ziya Tong.  I will probably do a review once I'm further into the book, but she's a really good writer if you like excellent use of language and compelling stories to illustrate points.


  1. So roomy now! I love a good reorg but yours is/has been/continues to be massive!

  2. Oh, how lovely it's all starting to look! Congratulations on such massive progress.
