
Monday, January 13, 2020

Extreme Cold

This week winter has arrived with a crunch - so to speak.

We have 'extreme' cold warnings and the temperature is forecast to dip well into the minus 30s.  C.

However, since C and F converge at -40, just understand that it's cold.

Temperatures of this degree are not unusual for us.  What is unusual is how seldom they have arrived the past few years. 

Doug and his helper are going to do some work in Doug's workshop, which is going to be cold work.  It has heat, but he uses it sparingly.  Yesterday they spent hours at the annex, in unheated parts of the building, pulling wire.  But that is done, and one more step along the way to moving out of the annex is accomplished.

I have no appointments to deal with today, so I am going to see if I can finish weaving the first scarf on the Megado.  And enjoy the sunshine - the gift we get when it gets really cold.  One of the reasons it is cold is that there is no cloud cover and so we have brilliant sunshine reflecting off of the fresh snow and it is truly beautiful.  As long as you can, like me, see it from the comfort of a warm place.

I hope all the people who need it have found safe shelter, that those who don't need to go out, don't, and for those that do?  Safe journey to where you are going.

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