
Friday, January 31, 2020


dreaming of spring

We have another dreary day with weather warnings of snowmagedon to come.

The house feels very quiet as Mary left yesterday.  No distractions now, time to think about what comes 'next'.  With retirement from production sales, I am still working through how to shape my days and what my priorities will be.  Thinking about how much longer I will teach. 

Just...thinking...about this and that.  Not coming to much in the way of conclusions, but that's ok, the thought pot can simmer on the back burner for a while longer.  Sometimes you just have to wait until things arrange themselves and reveal what possibilities there are.  I'm a great believer that when the time is right, it will show itself.  And then I have a focus to direct my energy towards. 

Yesterday was pretty much a rest day.  I had been having quite a lot of pain from the treatment, with the next coming up on Tuesday.  I was leery about the next until suddenly the pain diminished a lot.  Mostly I am still hopeful because the pain has changed in nature and somehow that feels hopeful. 

I have also talked to someone who has a spouse also getting the same type of treatment and it seems what I am going through is pretty typical.  Let's just say things seem to be getting better enough I am willing to continue in hopes of further improvement.

When you aren't feeling well, you pare back on what you do, draw in the horizon, hunker down.  The longer you feel poorly, the harder and harder it is to push against that shrinking.  The less energy you have, the less inclined you are to make the effort to get out, attend meetings, go to social events. 

Now that I'm feeling better I am beginning to look outward more.  Anticipating some travel, especially if the classes go ahead.  But also Convergence in July, where I won't be teaching, just drinking in the experience, and hopefully connecting with some far flung weavers.

But more importantly, there are two weaving classes here to prepare for.  So I have a to-be-done list, goals that seem important to me, and today I will begin working on that.

I will also do some errands because the weather forecast is for 'winter' weather.  Mary left just in time.

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