
Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The scene a couple of weeks ago.  Today we have spring break up slop with more winter weather to come next week apparently. 

My company leaves tomorrow and it is time to start looking towards February as it is very near now and there is much to be done!

The studio has developed goat trails already as I find out how to work within the space that I have, not offload clutter to the annex.

And to deal once again with pressing on the little flat bed press instead of Puff.

It looks like we have a buyer, Doug is trying to work out the logistics of getting it to them.  They have a busy schedule and missed their window of opportunity to come fetch it due to our bad winter weather with horrible road conditions, and even complete shut down of all of the highways at one point.

So now the mad scramble as Doug tries to disassemble the press and get it onto pallets and out of our space into the neighbours who has offered him a corner to store them.

I have three more warps to wind for the intro to weaving workshops and then dress the five looms needed.   (There is one already dressed with an appropriate warp and lots on the loom, so....)

There is the article for Handwoven to be finished, preferably before the workshops so I can clear that project out of the studio.

Mary and I talked about Convergence and once she is home we will co-ordinate out calendars and I'll book my tickets as early as possible in order to get the 'best' price I can.

I *think* I am going to be teaching at the  Sunshine Coast in April, and as soon as I get confirmation prep will have to be done for those.  I need to email and confirm she got my email with estimated travel costs.  Then figure out housing and such.

This morning I pressed the red/burgundy place mats someone wanted and evenings will be spent hemming.  I'd also like to get those done before the workshop.

I expect Olds homework to begin arriving soon - already marked two boxes with another promised for the end of March.  I hear rumours that others are working on theirs.

And so it goes.  One step, another step, and another...

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