
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Patience, Grasshopper

Lots of reflecting going on in my life right now.  Here is Mary, standing in a beam of sun, her hair aglow.

This was an emotional day for me.   We were both on a quest, testing ourselves to see if our activity horizons were actually expanding.  I was about 5 months post op from triple by-pass surgery.  We tackled walking up the boardwalk trail in the Ancient Forest.  This stretch had rough ground, and I chose not to go to the little bridge, but got to see Mary triumph.

Life is not a straight line of progression.  There are plenty of detours, rough ground, pot holes.  In this case you can also see the devil's club which covers the ground of the forest.  Surely an apt metaphor for the journey through life we each take.

I feel like I am nearly at the 'top' of this hike through closing down my business.  So close, yet significant things still to be done.  So, not quite there, but within reach.

Yesterday I rearranged the Megado end of the studio so the last shelving unit could be installed, but Doug and his helper spent the day dealing with the electrical and vent pipes of the boiler.  I'm hoping the shelving can come over today so I can put that end of the studio back into shape so I can beam the silk warp and get started on that.

In the meantime I do have the Leclerc Fanny and the burgundy mat warp that was beamed yesterday.  I can thread/sley it this afternoon, maybe get started on weaving it.

My goal was to be done with the shutting down by the end of December.  Then realized that was unrealistic, and extended that to the end of January.  Now we may need to extend that a little bit further as winter weather is not co-operating with us.

The ramp to the annex loading dock is very steep and right now it is extremely icy.  So much so that the truck to remove Puff may not be able to safely navigate it.  However the weather forecast says it will get a lot colder next week and with the colder temps and no snow falling, road conditions may improve.

Time will tell.

In the meantime, I grit my teeth and try to stay focused on what I can do, not on what I wish would happen.

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