
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Self Care

Create Joy is what the textile says.

Today is a day 'off' for both of us.  We each have health related things to do plus when I got up at 8 am the little weather 'station' we have that reads outside temps said it was -31 C.  At that temperature nose hair freezes and frost bite is not far away.  Instead of parking in the shopping mall and walking up the hill to the clinic, I will be paying for parking.  :-/

But I am pleased to note that the pain treatments I have been getting appear to be improving my quality of life.  The chronic, crushing, pain is less.  I have more energy and the desire to get things done is being transformed into actually getting stuff done. 

Yesterday I finished weaving the first silk scarf and while it isn't quite what I had imagined (yes I see images in my mind when I think of them) it is Good Enough.  For me.  If it is Good Enough for publication, we will see.

I even managed to finally settle on a design for scarf #2 and went so far as to generate the liftplan.  I won't be weaving today, but if I feel up to it I can begin tomorrow.  If I have the energy after the treatment I will wind my bobbins and get them into the humidor, and maybe even wind one more place mat warp.  I will most likely also begin writing up my notes for the article, if my brain is clear enough.

But for today, the primary focus will be self care.  I want to enjoy my 'retirement'.  I want to create joy.  As best I can.


  1. It's wonderful that you finding relief from chronic pain. It is such a living-sapping condition! And self-care is so important and so overlooked in our society. Good for you!

  2. I'm glad to hear the treatments are helping your pain. If you don't mine me asking, what are the treatments? My husband is in chronic pain and I would love to be able to find something to help him.

  3. The treatments are specific to muscle pain. If that isn’t his issue it won’t help. It’s called ‘needleing’. And it is painful in itself. But short term pain for long term gain...
