
Friday, January 3, 2020

Snow Day 2020

2020 is off to a snowy start with over 6" of snow overnight and more coming down.  All up and down the street people are moving it out of the way because we have more snow in the forecast for the next 10 days or so.

Road clearing will be difficult and it will be hard for people to get around until we have a few days without snow coming down so that windrows can be carried away to snow dumps.

Already the snow to the north (left of the picture) is piling high.  The little strip to the right is shared with the neighbour so Doug tries to not pile snow there as the neighbour has little room to his south to put his snow.

Most of the neighbours are good about clearing the roadway in front of their drives/yards, too, which helps everyone get up and down the street until the city crews can get their big graders and front end loaders to the residential streets.  The first priority are the main roads/bus routes and the area around the emergency services - hospital, ambulance station, fire halls.

Knowing that this (these?) storms were coming in, I'd intended to just hunker down and not do too much, but we both have health appointments, plus the final closing down of my business and moving out of the annex to deal with.

Doug made a last ditch attempt to sell Puff, and one person has expressed interest, but with the weather the way it is, I'm not sure if they can make it up.  We will all be monitoring the situation and see how things happen.

My life still has obligations and deadlines, and I will continue to work on those, but my slow easing into the new year has suddenly gotten a lot more complicated.

Company arrives on the 18th, the guest room has to be readied (for the purchasers if they can make it next week as well as Mary on the 18th), I have two weaving workshops which will require me dressing 6 looms with enough warp for both workshops, and two articles to write.

The house continues to be a mess with piles of rubble everywhere, but hopefully some of those will go away in the next couple of days.

If you want to make God laugh, tell her your plans...


  1. I'm really glad to see that snowblower - it worried me a bit when I saw a shovel in one of your photos. We're too old to risk shoveling so much snow! And don't we wish that some of that moisture could be sent to Australia... I hope you get a break in the weather so you can send Puff on to a new home!

  2. Loving your last sentence! Good luck.
