
Thursday, February 13, 2020

New 'Tip Jar'

A few weeks ago I learned about a new way to contribute to creative folk.  It's a website called Ko-Fi and the premise is that people can contribute to the person the equivalent of a coffee (or units thereof).

I have gone and looked at the site several times and after mulling it over I'm going to give it a try.

The link to Paypal to 'pay me' never did work and since I'd rather be weaving than fighting with websites, I gave up and ignored it.  (I will remove the Paypal link.)

I looked at Patreon, but the whole point of 'retiring' was to reduce my deadlines and lift obligations from my daily activities.  So after thinking about starting a Patreon account for a couple of years, then not finding myself willing to create separate work just for Patreon supporters, I ignored it.

Since I create content on this blog daily (sometimes more often, sorry - not sorry!) this fund raising site kept calling me back.

So this morning I opened a ko-fi account

I am still setting up my profile and such and will adjust the links on my blog later today.

But if you enjoy my blog posts, my posting to social media sites like Facebook and Ravelry, want to buy me a coffee, this is one way to do it.

For those of you who contributed in other ways - I thank you.

And if you will be at Convergence?  I'll be hanging out mostly in the vendor hall at Teresa Ruch's booth or at the exhibits.  Let's have a coffee irl.  

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