
Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Last night the March Lions roared through again.  They are, in fact, still roaring.  They brought wet snow and the promise of more winter to come.

Spring break up is my least favourite season.

After venting yesterday afternoon, I managed to get back down to the studio.  The studio was cleared so that the spool rack could be set up and I got the tension box filled (with some oopsies!) and eventually managed to get 3/4s of the warp beamed.

I'm very pleased with how the warp looks in the loom so far.  When working with diminishing stash, sometimes I struggle to select yarns/colours that I know will work, and rely on the various tips/tricks I have learned over the years:

Value is more important than hue.

White dilutes, grey muddies, black intensifies.

Light values will take over, use sparingly.

I will post a photo of the warp once it is fully beamed, but so far I'm thinking it will be fine.

This morning I go for another pain treatment so I want to finish beaming the warp before I leave.  If I feel up to it. my goal is to begin threading and cut/serge the towels that came off the loom yesterday.

The treatment is painful in and of itself.  But when I think about where I was in November and where I am now, I see my progress.  I keep a pain diary, partially because we forget so easily.  The mind protects itself by forgetting the pain.  But when doing something like this, it really helps me - and the doctor who was thrilled when I presented him with the pain diary after the first treatment - remember to see and celebrate the progress.

I am no longer crushed by the chronic pain.  I still have pain but it is mostly managed by one or two Tylenol.  I feel able to do things, and even when I am struggling, I manage to go do something productive.  It's a huge benefit to my mental health to be able to weave.

Spring break up will continue to sling March lions and other unpleasantness at us.  Yesterday we also had a dust advisory as the sand that was laid down over the winter to combat ice dried out and was sent airborne to adversely impact the air quality.  Quite possibly another reason I wasn't feeling great (I'm allergic to dust and other particulates).

As I rue the nasty conditions outside, I celebrate the longer daylight hours.  This too shall pass.

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