
Friday, March 6, 2020

And it Goes On

currently ignoring this tower of boxes with who-knows-what in them

starting on another tea towel warp planning - colours are not 'true' but close

When I talk about retiring I am not talking about not weaving.  I retired from production weaving for sale.  This allowed me to close my business, get out from under the obligations to collect/remit/report on taxes.  It also deprived me of the deduction of expenses from income.  As such, downsizing and reducing my business financial responsibilities has had to be juggled, hopefully to equal (or nearly equal) my new reduced income.  That income will primarily come from teaching and writing.  Also the Ko-fi account along with other measures that I have undertaken.

My woven inventory will continue to be available for purchase locally through consignment shops.  As a hobbyist, I'm not marketing my products on line through Etsy or other retail sites.  

As I sort through boxes and discover things like the kit booklets, I am trying to sell them rather than just dump them into the recycle bin.

My focus right now is to use up as much of the yarn currently wound onto pirns as possible because I promised delivery in April.  I won't get them all cleared off, but enough that I can ship what I have cleared and promise the rest to come at a later date.

I still have boxes that I haven't been able to face diving into, hence the tower of boxes beside the Leclerc.  I'm not currently weaving on it while I focus on tea towels and using up the 2/16 cotton on pirns.  But I do have a place mat warp wound, ready to go into the Leclerc when I feel able to weave on it again.

My pain treatments have been going well.  But I don't feel up to weaving aerobically - yet.  Stressing the muscles I'm working at trying to heal seems counter productive.  OTOH, I don't get up to any kind of aerobic level of activity on the Megado, so I'm just writing this all off to down time and weaving as mental therapy as much as anything.  

The other benefit to the Megado is that I can see myself continuing to weave on it well into old(er) age, because it takes less physical effort to weave on.

Spring break up came early and lingers.  That means roads are a mess, rutted ice on residential streets, puddles, mud and dirt on the rest.  As I ride the recovery roller coaster, I look outside and wait for actual spring so I can begin walking again.  I walked (and wove) my way to recovery after by-pass surgery, and I plan on doing that again as soon as the weather and road conditions allow.

Yesterday I only managed one tea towel, in part because of a late start to the day.  Today I'm moving earlier so I'm going to go for two towels today.  I am over the half way mark on the current warp.  I have a blue/grey warp ready to go as soon as this one comes off the loom.  And the above blue/green will likely go into the loom next.  There will also be an all white warp in order to use up the white linen at some point.  Still trying to decide on a design for that one, most likely twill blocks for a white on white more formal look.  (Snails Trails and Cats Paws?  Possibly)

The next two will be some kind of fancy twill variation.  I think I have settled on the next one, just need to crunch the threading - some kind of undulating line.

But first?  I need to finish the warp currently on the loom.  As for the boxes?  They are patient.  They will wait until I'm ready to deal with them.

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