
Sunday, March 15, 2020


People are confused.  Is Covid-19 really as bad as people are saying?  Or are the politicians down playing it actually correct?

Yes, Covid-19 is every bit as bad as the medical community are saying.

Yes, cancel that event. 

Yes, stay home.

Yes, there will be disappointment because things get cancelled.

Yes, I know you have waited a long time for this special thing to happen.  Stay home anyway.

Yes, there have been other pandemics.  And Yes, they were horrible and Yes, human beings survived.  But not everyone did. 

Millions died from bubonic plague.  Whole communities were wiped out.  Millions died from Spanish Influenza in 1918-19.  Mass graves were required to bury them.

We have an incredible opportunity to prevent the exponential spread of this disease.  We have the internet and reports from the hot zones are letting us know how awful it is when medical services and personnel are overwhelmed. 

Vulnerable populations are, well, vulnerable.  Those who are less likely to get really sick can spread the disease to others who are not as healthy.  Don't by a 'Typhoid Mary'.  Or a Dick.

In the end, if we manage to flatten the curve and prevent millions from dying some folk will no doubt wonder what all the fuss was about.

That's the whole point.  Save us from the tragic numbers of previous pandemics.

As events are cancelled, work to rebuild for the future.  Plan on postponements.  Save the yarn/fibre/travel budget for next year when this is over.  Or support creative people by donating to their Patreon or ko-fi accounts.  Buy their yarn/fibre/books/DVDs.

Protect our elders, the keepers of our knowledge.  Stay at home.  Use this time as an opportunity to do the things you haven't had the time or energy to tackle.  Weave/knit/spin down your stash.  Research your family history.  Whatever.

Personally I have a giant stack of books I have been meaning to read and a lifetime supply of yarn.

Look for ways to express gratitude and kindness.    Like Mr. Rogers would say - look for the helpers.  Be a helper.