
Monday, March 23, 2020


Same warp, two different wefts.  The lighter textile is more subdued as the values are close together on the grey scale.  The darker textile shows how dark will make the light look lighter, brighter.  The darker cloth looks more dramatic. The twill lines are more obvious and the design is easier to see.  It will also be more obvious from a further distance while the lighter more subdued cloth will tend to blur into a pale solid colour.

Distance.  Drama.  Contrast.  All things that we are living with right now.

Panic seems to be taking root and people are not thinking things through.  They are paying attention to things that are not helpful.  We are focusing on what we cannot do, instead of what we should be doing.

When a ship is rudderless, it is tossed by the waves and wind.  Right now governments are attempting to steer their ships of state through the confusion the Covid-19 virus is causing all round the globe.  But some countries seem to have lost their rudder as their leadership waffles in their response and people are frightened, grasping onto anything that even sounds reasonable.

No, drinking lots of warm water will not protect you from the virus.  Your mouth is always moist.  Staying hydrated is fine, but even water in large amounts can be bad for you.

No, drinking warm water will not 'wash the virus out of your throat into your stomach'.

No, don't go taking the medication a certain someone touted.  He isn't a doctor.

No, don't go to parties and get everyone infected to get it over and done with.

No, just because you don't currently have symptoms you aren't contagious.  We are finding out that young people MAY have the virus but because they are young and healthy they don't feel sick but are shedding the virus like pollen in spring.

There are good and valid reasons for people to isolate themselves physically from others right now.

Several of my friends have begun playing Scrabble on line or other on line games.  Some are doing Facetime chats.  Some of us even, heavens to Betsy, are phoning each other to stay in contact!  Sometimes you just need to hear a friendly voice.

In Canada stores are following the self-distancing guidelines in several ways.  Some are keeping the doors closed, only letting in X number of patrons and as those leave, let that many more in.  Some have actually placed coloured dots on the floor to keep the six foot distance for people queueing for the cashiers.

They are also placing item limits on essentials.  No, one person cannot purchase every single package of toilet paper or sanitizer in the store.  These limits were enacted because a few people were being stupid and selfish.

We have been warned that if we don't flatten the curve of infection voluntarily, Dr. Henry has the powers to make them mandatory - and she will.

Other countries are already in lockdown and if you are on the streets without good reason, you will be escorted back to your house and ordered to stay there.

We need - as a society - to protect ourselves and each other.  We do that by not spreading the contagion.  We do that by staying home.  Staying in touch on line.  Our sense of isolation is only as dreaded as we make it.  Doug and I are leaving the house as little as possible and when we get home we wash our hands.  With soap.  For at least 20 seconds.  We have wipes and bleach solution to clean doorknobs, my purse, key fobs etc.

Don't panic.  Follow the guidelines.  If you aren't getting good info from your government, find one that IS giving good info.  Random Facebook posts with suspect info should be disregarded and not forwarded.

Stay positive.  The better we follow directions and flatten the curve, the sooner we can stop isolating ourselves physically.  In the meantime, we still have the internet.  If anyone needs to vent, feel free to contact me.

I will mostly be in my studio, weaving.  The next warp is nearly ready to weave.

In the meantime, stay positive.  Stay mentally active by playing games, reading, making puzzles, working on your hobbies.  Stay physically active by walking, not congregating.  Or even clean those closets you have been meaning to clean for years.

We can get through this.  Together, but at a 'proper' physical distance.

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