
Friday, March 13, 2020


This reflection from the fan light moves as the sun moves.  With the returning of the longer daylight hours, I woke up to this splash of light on the wall this morning.

Right now there is great uncertainty about what is happening about the Covid-19 virus.  There has been some good news - a research team in Canada has managed to grow the virus in the lab.  What this means, as I understand it, is that now that the virus can be grown researchers can begin to test what things will contain/kill it.  And that means we are one step closer to a treatment for it.

BC has been hit hard (comparatively speaking) and both BC and AB have issued warnings about large gatherings.  Fibres West was cancelled just as vendors were putting final touches to their booths.   This morning their website says it is a postponement and to keep checking back for updates.  Vendors, many from outside the lower mainland, will have spent money to produce or purchase inventory, traveled to get there, perhaps have accommodation that was booked and will also need to be paid. 

Since we should all be limiting going out, perhaps now is a good time to buy on line from one of these (or other) vendors so that we don't run out of stash?

BC and AB have also both issued travel advisories to not travel outside of Canada and if you must, plan on self isolating for at least two weeks upon return.

I am waiting daily to hear about the Olds classes.  I suspect that satellite classes might not be cancelled because they are small gatherings, not large ones.  As for Fibre Week, they might be taking a wait and see stance to find out if the curve flattens and large gatherings will not be a problem by June.

This morning someone posted to Twitter that a Costco store, location unnamed, sent an employee down the line waiting for the doors to open, wiping down cart handles and kindly advising that paper products were limited to one package per customer.  The person reporting this commented that the atmosphere in the line up went from tense to much calmer.  Such a little thing, but such immediate effect.  Everyone in the line was assured of getting one (Costco sized) package of tp (and why a run on tp is beyond me - Covid 19 is respiratory, not the other end) but that there would not be greedy grabbing or fighting to get something.

It also prevents re-sellers from grabbing everything, then selling at greatly inflated prices, per a report I read yesterday.

Beau of the Fifth Column did a video this morning (or late last night) talking about how the only way to get through this is together.  Human beings are one family.  Families need to look out for each other.

An update about the basketball player.  Apparently someone must have had a talk with him and he issued an apology and seemed sincere about it. 

Maybe we all need to take a step back and remember that we need to work together.  If you can't help, at least don't harm...

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