
Friday, March 20, 2020

Staying the Course

Some of the silk in my stash.  It is so very fine that I will be plying it in order to make it thick enough for me to use it!

Now is the time to stay the course.  As the pandemic of Covid-19 rolls around the globe, people must - as much as they are able - distance themselves from each other physically in order to stem the tide.

People who have hobbies that they can do on their own, or who are introverts, probably will have the least difficulty coping with staying at home.  People who can work from home will have challenges but at least can still work.  But all of us must stay away from others in order to not transmit the virus from one to another.

There are many sources of information, not all of them good.  We are getting daily updates from the doctor in charge of overseeing the pandemic response and she pointed out that right now her recommendations are voluntary but if people don't respect those recommendations, she has the authority to impose them.

Other countries are already imposing quarantines and if you break quarantine without a valid reason, you can and will be arrested.  One person who tested positive, checked himself out of hospital against medical advice was followed home where law enforcement officers stood watch to make sure he stayed home.

A friend send a link to a video that I found helpful.  You may as well.

Wash your hands.  With soap.  Stay home as much as possible.

As for me, I've made steady progress on the current warp.  The next is designed and awaiting its turn in the loom.  The Olds classses in Cape Breton are postponed, and the two colleges are attempting to set up new dates.  Fibre Week is not - yet - cancelled for this year.  The hope is that by June the bulge will have passed us by and it will be safe to gather in groups again.  Ditto Convergence, scheduled for July.

But be prepared for this to go on for longer than expected - or hoped. 

Speaking of hope, an already existing drug has been found to be helpful in treating Covid-19.  A hospital in Montreal has begun treating patients with it and we are waiting to hear if it is as effective as it seems to be elsewhere.

Stay the course.

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