
Friday, April 3, 2020


I am entering the Punkinhead zone in regards to my hair.

My haircut was booked for the day after social distancing measures came into play so I was at the point where it was time for my monthly haircut, but couldn't get it.  I am now weeks beyond that and my hair is getting unruly.

I have had a short haircut for decades.

When I was weaving professionally, working up a sweat daily, I would shower at the end of the day and since I didn't really want to go to bed with a wet head, decided to cut my hair short.  So I have had short hair for a long time and see no reason to change now, even though I am no longer weaving 3-5 hours a day, working up a sweat doing so.  I've gotten used to my wash and wear 'do' and since chemo thinned my hair really see no advantage to having long hair.

There are many people in the same boat.

I see posts about how people are no longer doing their 'beauty' routines - no more plucking eyebrows, wearing make up, staying in their pjs or comfy clothing all day long.

Thing is, that was my usual routine.  I haven't worn makeup for a very long time.  I only ever pluck a wayward eyebrow hair now and then (since chemo I have noticed that my eyebrows are now becoming 'wild' in the way that my grandfather's were 'wild' - genetics for the win?).

Women are not shaving their legs - I haven't done that for a long time either.  I can't even imagine wanting to do a bikini wax.

Going bra-less?  I'm not, but each to their own.

If there is one thing I really hope that happens when this Staying Safe at Home ends?  I hope that women will stop trying to mould themselves into some kind of artificial standard of beauty.  I am sick to death of the fashion industry showing ridiculous costumes and passing them off as something any sane person would wear.

I understand that some people want pretty shoes.  I just wish they would not be such high, high heels.  As someone with foot problems after taking ballet including pointe shoes, plus wearing high heels as a younger me, can I just point out that high high heels are bad for your body?

Women spend millions of dollars on make up and clothing.  Maybe it is time to take a breath and wonder why we are doing that.  Who profits?  Fast fashion has spun out of control.  I have t-shirts that are older than some of my friends.  I only get rid of something once it has worn out.  The new trend of visible mending is even saying that something that is 'worn' can be repaired and continued to be used.

If we go back to what 'normal' was before the pandemic?  We will be doing ourselves a disservice.  Now is the time to pause and reflect on our lives and how we can live more thoughtfully.

And when is enough, enough?  (Looking at you, every single billionaire on the planet.)


  1. Morning - I feel you about the haircut/hair style. I wear an asymmetric style with the shorter bit being a fairly close shave and the longer bit being ear length. I am less than a week from my normal haircut appointment (and it won't happen due to the "stay at home" order). I was getting to the point that my daughter called "the electrified hedgehog" look. So yesterday morning I got out the clippers and used the longest blade (3/4") and cut the long part off. I very carefully trimmed around my ears and I look pretty good for a home done haircut. With it all being short the extra growth on the shorter bits doesn't stand out. By the time the stay at home is done I will be able to go back to the hairdresser and work on a growing out strategy.

    On a more serious note - if I catch the virus and end up in the hospital (totally possible as I am 63 and have some underlying conditions) I will not have a problem with haircare.

    Good luck with staying safe.

  2. Yes!! I'm with you on every point!

  3. Like you, I haven’t worn makeup in many years, never wore high high heels, rarely shave my legs or pluck eyebrows. And like you I hope that ‘fashion’ is just one of many things that do not return to our pre-pandemic behaviors. Hope we learn not just one thing, but many things.
