
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Sweet Sixteen

Yesterday I declared this warp done, cut/serged the sixteen towels, ran them through the washer/dryer and this morning got them pressed.

(I woke up at 5 am, having had about 4 hours sleep.  I may need a nap this afternoon.)

I'm pleased with how they turned out.  Unfortunately this photo doesn't show the design at all.  It's a blend of several shades of green/blue, about the same value.  Ish.  The weave structure is a fancy twill with more warp showing on one side, more weft on the other.

Now, I'm working hard on using up 2/16 cotton wound onto pirns.  This yarn has been sitting on the shelf for, oh, 5 years?  What I didn't realize with this particular box is that there was a very subtle dye lot difference that is nearly impossible to detect.  Until you start weaving with it.

Several of the towels show the evidence of this dye lot difference, but only really can be seen on the side that has more weft showing.

So, what to do?  Do I list these as 'seconds'?  They aren't really.   There is nothing wrong with them that will prevent them from doing their job.

But does it look 'wrong'?  Yes.  My eye sees it.  But I can detect quite tiny differences in colour and most people would never notice. 

Knowing that this 'flaw' exists, do I price them at full price? 


I will make up my mind once they are hemmed and I have some distance, emotionally, about the difference.  I think there are three - perhaps four.  I also happen to know a few people who love blue/greens, so those might be gifted rather than sold.

The towels are a bit damp and need to dry fully before they get folded and put into a bin.  The rack is in the way of getting the Megado set up with the next warp.  I can't get at the spool rack.  I wasn't thinking when I set up the drying rack or I could have moved the spool rack somewhere else so I could get it set up for the next warp.  Which I'm quite eager to get at.

However I have other things I could be working on, too.  Like the samples for the other weaver.  It's just that as sleep deprived as I currently am, winding a warp with very particular requirements probably isn't a great idea at the minute.

I got up so very early, I wound up requiring Second Breakfast today.  I think I need to figure out something more 'active' to do than sit around reading stuff on the internet.  For one thing it is pretty depressing.  For another the longer I just sit, the more tired I feel.  Time to get up and get moving.

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