
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tentative Spring

Took this photo a couple of days ago - the first sign that spring really was on its way. 

It seems appropriate that the camera would not focus on the tiny furled leaves on the potentillia bush because that is how life itself seems right now.

You know spring is coming.  You know that things are stirring. You just can't really see it right now.

Yesterday on my walk (I'm trying to get out as many days as I can - the rain the past few days have discouraged me from doing it daily) the furled buds on the trees had opened to the point where you could see there were actual leaves there, not just the promise of leaves.

People, like plants, are feeling...restless.  Maybe someone is financially insecure.  Food insecure.  Going batty stuck at home with young children with no relief in sight. 

For those of us who are able, it remains important to stay at home.  I am privileged that I have someone else in the house to talk to, vent at, do the outside errands. 

A friend has promised masks but they haven't arrived yet.  I'm thinking of wearing one on my walks, not because of the virus, but because of seasonal allergies.  There are many reasons to wear a mask and maybe more people should wear one more often and stop spreading things like colds or the flu, not just this virus.  Something to think about going forward.

The increase in infections is worrisome in light of the financial hardship many are going through.  Our society (here and elsewhere - this is, after all, a pandemic) is being upended with the inequities being revealed.  Frankly expensive flybys by jets really isn't very helpful.  I couldn't help  but think of bread and circuses when I heard that the US was doing flybys to 'honour' their essential workers - instead of getting them PPE.  Or raising the minimum wage for workers now deemed essential, but woefully underpaid for their labour.

We have our challenges here in Canada, especially getting aid to remote communities.  I hope this time of emergency will wake the powers that be up to work on the awareness of who is in need and what they need, then get it to them.

This spring time of our awareness could lead to great - and in my opinion - positive change bringing benefit to those who need it most.  Or we could sink back into our complacency. 

Only time will tell.

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