
Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Best Medicine

During times of stress, sometimes the best medicine is to find something funny and have a good laugh.

There is a well worn chestnut that says if you can laugh at yourself you will be endlessly entertained.  Let's just say I find plenty about myself to laugh about!

Recently our prime minister was doing one of his daily briefings.  Now Mr. Trudeau is bilingual and I have seen how sometimes people who know more than one language will sometimes have a mental hiccough and forget the word they want to use and stumble a bit verbally until they find a word that will do.  I rather suspect this was the dynamic at work when he used the phrase 'speaking moistly'.  He immediately recognized that he had mis-spoke and later that same day, someone made a video of him using the phrase.

Lately people are becoming bored, restless, wanting to get back to 'normal' and showing their irritation at the advice to stay at home.  They have been looking for loopholes and wanting to get together with friends, get back to work, stop the financial worries.  I get it, I really do.  But honestly?  If we don't stop and prevent the virus from continuing, we are going to be in this pandemic boat for a lot longer than if we just paid attention to the medical professionals like Dr. Henry (not the quack silver bullet, drink this magic potion folk) and stay home.  If you must go out, keep physical distancing.  When you get home, wash your hands, disinfect your keys, phone, parcels/bags, etc.  Maintain social contacts by phoning, messaging, whatever.

There is a lot of confusion about wearing masks.  The best use of masks is to keep your germs to yourself.  Wearing a mask carries the danger of a false sense of security.  People will think the six foot distance no longer applies because they are wearing a mask.

But yes, it will help - a little.  But again, disinfect the mask as soon as you get home.  Don't touch the outer surface - assume it's contaminated.

Wearing gloves won't protect you if you then touch your face with contaminated gloves.

People get lazy.  Complacent.  The very best advice, especially for immune compromised people is to Stay Safe at Home.

However, if you must go out, wearing a mask may possibly help.  Given masks are in short supply, home made masks can be used to cover the medical mask.

A friend who designs knits has made a mask cover using the speaking moistly quote from Trudeau.  She is offering it for free and is allowing me to share it.  It is a PDF file and if you are interested, email me and I will send it.

Or go to her Facebook page   You might like some of her other knit designs which she sells on Ravelry.

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